The Basement of Broadcasting House Extension
In this section: Project Baseband
B12-B16 when new> | B12-B16 later | B6

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Final Years of BH Extension: Project Baseband Studios when new

These photos show the completed studios, spick and span and ready for action. On the next page you can see the effect of a few years use!
Studio B12
B12 cubicle

B12 cubicle

Studio B13
B13 cubicle

B13 cubicle

B13 studio

Studio B14
B14 cubicle

B14 cubicle

B14 cubicle

Studio B15
B15 cubicle

This photo of B15's cubicle shows the view through four triple glazed windows all the way to B16's cubicle.

Studio B16
B16 cubicle

B16 studio